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“21 Jump Street” comes back better than before


“21 Jump Street,” released on March 16, 2012 with Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill, is a remake of the popular television show of the same name about two cops who cannot seem to get anything right, and provides genuine laughs for any age in the audience. The goofy, tongue-in-cheek comedy focuses on the good-looking Morton Schmidt (Tatum) who teams up with his foil, the more intelligent and nerdy Greg Jenko (Hill) in the police force. They are soon sent to 21 Jump Street with the mission to find out and stop the new drug exploding through their old high school. The two soon realize that high school is much different than the last time they attended, and both get into hilarious situations such as a house party ending after a stabbing, and a police chase on the highway for a piñata full of drugs. Sophomore Lauren Hinger said, “I was laughing so hard at some points in the movie I started to tear, it was one of the best comedies I have seen at the movies in a long time.” Tatum and Hill perform their parts well; they are a hilarious comedy duo because of their opposite personalities and appearances. They did a particularly good job when they try to track down a notorious biker gang and end up coming out more beat-up than their target. Tatum branched out of his usual lead romantic role to play a more comedic part with Hill. Sophomore Brooke Wilhalme said, “I loved seeing Channing Tatum in a funny role for once. After being in things like “Dear John” and “The Vow” I was glad to see he could play a funny guy as well as a romantic.” “21 Jump Street” topped the box office on its opening weekend, grossing $35 million. Sony also announced that a sequel is expected with the same two stars. A sequel to the movie is welcome if it holds the same witty dialogue and fun action scenes as this one. The movie held attention to the screen, waiting for another one liner or a fight to break out. One of the most memorable scenes in the movie was the last, where every theme in the movie comes together. It is heartwarming, as well as funny, involving many characters, even cameos from the cast of the original “21 Jump Street,” and gives the audience an enjoyable experience throughout the rest of the film. “21 Jump Street” appeals to all audiences, including the people who saw the original television series and people new to the plot. It will please both action and comedy lovers. No matter what their preference, anyone will find this movie enjoyable and a good reason to laugh. The movie deserves a solid four stars out of five.


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