by BRIANNA SICILIANO Social Media Coordinator
From a young age, people are always asking us what career we want to pursue when we “grow up.” There are loads of career paths available to follow, but the key to being successful and happy is to follow a career path that you are passionate about. For Cami Gunther, that career path is publishing.
As a little girl, Gunther always wanted to be her own boss. She was inspired by her grandfather who had built a business of his own despite the fact that he had never finished high school. Her grandfather grew up from nothing, yet he still managed to create his own company, and Gunther knew that if her grandfather could be successful while following his dreams, so could she.
“It’s funny how life takes you places and steers you in a direction that you are unaware of. I really believe, and know for sure, that all of my [past job] positions have lead me to where I am [today]. I cannot think of one single moment [when I realized that I wanted to become a publisher]; I just believe that all my little experiences with my career helped me gain the confidence, skills, and worth ethic that has lead me [to my position as] a business owner,” Gunther said.
Gunther has a bachelors degree, and she believes that everyone needs an education. Getting an education helps students gain experience and knowledge that is needed to pursue the job that a person loves. In the beginning of Gunther’s career, right after college, she discovered what she liked and did not like in the working world. Discovering this insight helped Gunther shape her business into the success that it is today.
A typical day for Gunther begins in her home.
“I am lucky and disciplined to have a home office. When I wake, the first thing I do is make coffee, head into my office, check news, emails, and my calendar for the day. I am a mom of three, so once getting these tasks done, I snap into mom mode and get my kids off to school. Between the hours of 8 in the morning to 2:30 in the afternoon, I am all work! You can find me in my office doing business or out driving…to see various clients, potential clients, or attending networking events. When my kids get home, I switch gears from work to being a mom again. I carpool, help with homework, answer business emails and calls, etc. [I think it is important to balance my job as a mother and as a publisher] 24/7,” said Gunther.
Gunther loves three equal parts of her job: she is able to work for herself, she can offer other women (her staff) the ability to earn income while having a job, and all the relationships she has made with her clients. Gunther has made lasting friendships with clients and mentors, and she loves the fact that she has the ability to help her mentors and clients’ businesses grow.
The biggest challenge that Gunther faces is being a boss. She just does not enjoy confrontation or telling other people what to do, and it is especially tough to separate business relationships with her staff from personal relationships. Gunther explained that if she could take one thing away from a business owner’s job description, it would be the management part.
To be successful, she consistently sets goals for herself daily, weekly, and yearly, and said that it is important for all young adults to know that no one gets anywhere without hard work, 100% effort, and complete honesty. It is important for everyone to be passionate, be driven, and do our best everyday – even during the days that are not as good as others.
“The advice I would give to anyone pursuing a career in the writing and publishing direction is the most important thing that I have ever learned: you need to love what you do, and believe in it, in order to live happily and successful. If you are not happy doing your job, you will never be successful, mentally or financially. I also think that it is important for people to know that hard work will get you where you want to be,” Gunther said.
Gunther says the formula to success is to be kind to your coworkers, respect your boss, and never be afraid to ask for help or ask questions. As a boss, Gunther always encourages questions. There are no silly or stupid questions because knowledge is power.
“I believe that what I have accomplished is something that anyone can do. I truly believe that anything is possible, and that we can create the life and career that we want. I set a vision for myself of what I needed and wanted in my career, and in my life overall. I always asked questions and was never afraid of rejection, and I have always enjoyed reading books and learning the history about famous people who have achieved their goals. All of these things have inspired me and helped me reach my goals. Every famous person that I learn about has faced challenges and fears, but they worked hard, were kind and humble along the way, and believed in what they believed in. These inspirational human beings were never afraid of failure or rejection, and I think that it is important to remember all of that,” said Gunther.
To check out Gunther’s publications, visit her websites: Ask the Doctor, The Monmouth Family Times, and The Millstone Times.
What do you think about publishing? Do you think this career path is the path for you?