The school year has begun, and so has the newspaper! The Falconer’s Voice is Monroe Township High School’s newspaper, written by students at MTHS. Students can become involved in the newspaper by taking Journalism I (or II) as an elective or by joining the Newspaper club. With the new year, there are changes to The Falconer’s Voice. There are new journalists, editors, and teachers that are now a part of the newspaper. How do we feel about beginning to report?

My friend, Hiba Siddiqui, is a new journalist for The Falconer’s Voice. When I asked her about why she became a part of the newspaper, she said “I picked Journalism I as one of my electives for this year. I love to write, and I want to reach out to friends and peers through the newspaper.” She mentioned that she wants The Falconer’s Voice to be more interactive with readers. “The newspaper’s ability to reach out to people and influence others is very important to me,” she stated. Not only is the newspaper a place for readers to learn the school’s news, it’s a place for students to express their beliefs and hear about others’.
As mentioned, writers aren’t the only changes to the newspaper this year. Ms. Tringali, a Language Arts teacher at MTHS, is the new advisor of The Falconer’s Voice. She’s very excited about this year, having many ideas to improve the newspaper. When interviewed about why she joined The Falconer’s Voice, she said, “I was excited about the opportunity to be able to report about our school and to help our students become more involved with activities and events going on around the building through the newspaper.” Some of her ideas to improve the newspaper include focusing on MTHS’s clubs and teachers. Ms. Tringali mentioned that most students don’t get the chance to hear about everything going on in the school. She wants to fix this problem by reporting about school events. Along with keeping students informed, she believes that the student’s perspective in The Falconer’s Voice is very important. She said, “The most important thing about the newspaper, to me, is that students are able to write in and have their voices heard, not just the staff.” Similar to Hiba, Ms. Tringali values how writers can connect and express opinions with their peers.
The new staff is excited to start reporting for The Falconer’s Voice. If you are interested in being a part of this newspaper, join the newspaper club. This year is going to be filled with helpful news and fun stories. Follow us on Twitter @MTHSnewspaper. Let the Falconer’s Voice be heard!