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‘Big Hero 6’ smashes into theaters

by AMY LASSITER Section Editor

“Big Hero 6”, the newest Disney film based off the comic of the same name, was released in the United States on November 7, 2014.

Marvel Comics originally came out with “Big Hero 6” during September 1998. The original story sparked a lot of controversy amongst fans due to the blatant racial stereotyping of the majority of its characters. Luckily, Disney put their own twist on the film, creating few to no complaints, and the most diverse film the company has ever produced.

Full of action, adventure, humor, and plenty of emotions, “Big Hero 6” is definitely the must-see movie of the season.

The endearing animated feature (rated PG) follows main character 14-year-old genius Hiro Hamada, voiced by Ryan Potter, through the futuristic city San Frantokyo, which is a mix of modern day Tokyo and San Francisco.

Without giving too much away, a tragic event in Hiro’s life leads him to become companions with the lovable medical robot BAYMAX. Alongside BAYMAX and a diverse group of young science majors, Hiro attempts to foil the plans of a mysterious masked villain.

BAYMAX, the movie’s adorable side protagonist, might just become the new Olaf. Just as huggable and funny, BAYMAX also has to learn a lot about human life.

Activated by a sound of distress, within a single second, the pharmaceutical robot scans a patient, finding the problem and quickly helping him. BAYMAX, however, cannot be deactivated unless the patient says, “I am satisfied with my care,” which becomes a major plot point in the film.

Watch out for next Halloween, there may be as many kids dressed as BAYMAX as there were Elsas this year.

“‘Big Hero Six’ absolutely has it all! There wasn’t a moment that I wasn’t laughing or crying. You fall in love with each and every one of the characters, and the writers still managed to put their famous plot twists in it. I’d recommend seeing this movie to anyone! Any age or any person, there’s something for everyone. I can’t wait to see it again and again. I’m definitely satisfied with my care,” said junior Jared Theinart.

Personally, I shed a few tears on more than one occasion, so be sure to bring tissues when you watch the film.

Just like most animated Disney movies, a short film was shown in theaters before the show. In this case, “Feast” directed by John Lasseter, was played. Almost as endearing as the movie itself, “Feast” is done entirely through the perspective of a puppy named Winston, and focuses on his many meals as well as the love life of his owner.

“‘Feast’ might honestly be my new favorite Disney short. It was so adorable! Plus, the animation was insanely realistic,” said an anonymous student.

In 2012, the short film “Paperman” snagged an Oscar, and it would not be surprising if “Feast” is at least honored with a nomination.

Overall, “Big Hero 6” gets a huge 5 stars. Grab a ticket and try not to miss out.

What did you think about “Big Hero 6”? Tell us in the comments below!


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