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Controversial Boy Scout gay ban survey raises questions


After receiving extremely negative feedback on their gay ban, the Boy Scouts of America are asking their members to take a survey to determine whether they should change their policy.

The survey is a part of The Voice of the Scout, a semi-annual survey that asks members about different aspects of the BSA and how they feel about them.

It was sent to adult members of troops across the nation to gauge their feelings about homosexuality and children.

“Bob is 15 years old, and the only openly gay Scout in a Boy Scout troop,” starts one of the questions on the survey. “Is it acceptable or unacceptable for the troop leader to allow Bob to tent with a heterosexual boy on an overnight camping trip?”

The questions also target gay adults that are a part of the program, and make assumptions about how they would somehow teach their homosexual ways to troop members.

“Should the lesbian mother of a Tiger Cub be allowed to serve as den leader if the pack is chartered to a church that teaches that homosexuality is not wrong?” asked the survey.

I was not aware that all homosexual children would be automatically attracted to all the members they tent with on a camping trip. The same goes for adults. Although, if they are attracted to children, they should not be a part of Boy Scouts of America in the first place.

Troops in Minnesota, California, and Massachusetts have already declared they are refusing to abide by the ban on homosexuals regarding membership.

“I think the ban on gays joining the Boy Scouts and the survey are ridiculous! What gender someone is attracted to has nothing to do with learning survival methods and tying knots. I think someone’s sexuality shouldn’t really be any of their business,” said sophomore Corrine Franchette.

After the survey is taken, it will be sent back to the BSA in May to review and determine whether or not the ban on gays should be lifted.

The questions, developed by North Star Opinion Research, seem to be inclined to make the person taking the survey feel as though homosexuality is wrong and gay people should not be allowed in the BSA.

According to “The Huffington Post,” the BSA has been extremely harsh on gays in the past, even putting names of members found to be gay in secret “perversion” files.

The BSA’s views on homosexuality are one-sided and discriminatory, which is just a touch ironic considering they are supposed to be an organization that promotes caring for others and being understanding and helpful.

“Gay people should be able to enjoy the same things as straight people, and Boy Scouts is one of them. My brother was a part of the BSA and he had a lot of fun. Gay children should be able to have fun with their friends and camp too!” said sophomore Bree Mckenna.



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