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DIY for prom

Prom is quickly approaching, much quicker than expected. Do you know what that means? Dress shopping, hair and makeup appointments, and cat fights!

Now for the average girl, prom gets pretty expensive. There’s a whole lot to pay for only a few hours of looking nice. But, you know, we do it anyway!

When it comes to prom, some may say it can get ridiculous really fast: a dress, alterations, the ticket, hair appointment, nail appointment, makeup appointment, shoes, transportation if needed, corsage, accessories, personal trainers/gym memberships/work out gear etc. One might think it’s not worth it, but there are some ways you can lower the bill a bit for prom.

Here are some of the ways you can make prom worthwhile and DIY:

Do your own hair: YouTube is going to be your best friend in this situation, so I’m going to recommend it a lot throughout this article. There is a plethora of videos showing you how to do prom hairstyles that, with a little practice, you can master and look absolutely fabulous.

“I’m doing my own hair and makeup because I’m broke and can’t afford to get it done professionally,” said junior Jasmine Chavez.

Do your own makeup: Again, plenty of great makeup gurus on YouTube to lead the way and teach you the proper makeup techniques to make you look like a goddess at your prom. Personally, I would never trust someone to do my makeup other than myself unless it was the Kardashians’ makeup artist or Jaclyn Hill, but I recommend Carli Bybel, Jaclyn Hill, Jada Minaya (check me out), Casey Holmes, Nicole Guerriero, Serena Zappone (check her out), Desi Perkins and many more talented gurus that can surely speak to your soul….or face.

“I’m doing my makeup because if I have all the products and am able to teach myself how to do everything, I don’t want to waste my money on something I could do myself. And also I don’t want to risk someone else doing it and then not liking it, only I really know what I like,” said junior Serena Zappone.

Do your own/have friend do your nails: It’s very difficult for me to paint my own nails, but many girls have this strange, perplexing talent. There are plenty of nail ideas and DIY on Pinterest and YouTube that can help you get that classy or edgy look you’ll be looking for prom without having to pay $50 plus for a new set.

Carpool: Instead of paying for transportation because, let’s be real, people aren’t paying that much attention to what you’re driving to prom in, carpool with friends! People pay big money to rent cars, limos, party buses and that’s not all necessary to show up. You’ll have just as much if not more fun driving with your closest friends.

Rent/buy a used dress: Prom dresses go for a ridiculous amount. People pay hundreds even thousands for a beautiful dress for one night! On ebay or other resell websites, you can find a used prom dress to wear for the night. You can also rent a beautiful used dress for the night. You might as well if you’re only wearing it for a night!

What are you going to do yourself for prom?


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