by EDWARD PINTO Section editor
Year after year, Drake continues to provide good music and recently, his new album “Nothing Was The Same” was released. On Tuesday, September 24, the highly anticipated album came out and on the first day, it sold 725,000 units, which means it almost went platinum.
Constantly reminding you who is the best rapper in the game, Drake presents us a new album that everyone fell in love with. He is still able to maintain his steady flows and some R&B mixed in along the way. At some point while listening to the album, it will make you go from a pre-game pump-up song to wanting to call your sixtha grade teacher for accidentally stealing a pencil off her desk.
Having done something that many rappers try not to touch, blending R&B and hip-hop, Drake has basically mastered it. At only 26 years old, he has essentially done what other rappers have not been able to do at age 33.
Sophomore David Leckie says, “I got the whole album the day it came out. I already knew it was going to be big since the summer and wanted it before a lot of my friends.”
On September 15, a link to the leaked album was posted on Twitter. Of course, many people went and downloaded it straight off of there, but people do not realize how hard Drake worked on the album, and buying it shows how much you appreciate the artist.
The album cover features a child painting of Drake with a huge afro, and on the other side is him now, facing himself. After being inspired by a painting he saw in one of his music videos, he immediately contacted the artist.
Drake’s new style of music is even more likeable and praiseworthy. His single that released in early August, “Just Hold On We’re Going Home”, earned much applause and got everyone excited for the album. Even just a week after the album, people still ponder what Drake is going to come out with next.
Overall the album was outstanding, but there were a couple of songs that deserve some recognition. The best songs are “The Language”, “Come Thru”, and “All Me”.
Predictions for first week sales will be at around 675,000 copies sold, which makes Drake the second most sold album in 2013, and it would also be his best first week sales out of his three albums.
The real question is, will you get the Drake album? If not will you be getting all 17 songs or just a few that you like?