Earth day is a day of education on environmental issues that was founded in 1970.
It is now a worldwide holiday celebration that is sometimes extended into Earth Week, which is seven full days of eventful green awareness projects.
Earth Day was inspired by Senator Gaylord Nelson and by antiwar protests. This environmental day was originally supposed to create a worldwide environmental movement.
Every year, it is held on April 22 to increase the number of students from university campuses that could participate in all these events. Earth Day originally began as a “national teach-in on the environment.”
Nelson hoped that by raising awareness of our Earth, environmental causes such as air and water pollution would come to the nation’s attention.
There are many ways to celebrate Earth Day. You can pick up litter, recycle, turn off water when you are not using it, turn down your heater, switch to online bill payments, and install energy efficient lights.
You can also help the environment by planting a tree or two, curbing your junk mail, which saves paper, and turning off lights and unplugging cellphone chargers, straighteners, or anything not in use.
Carrying your own water bottle, driving the speed limit, recycling at work, and even doing your laundry at night are also things a person can do to help. Washing your clothes at night is when energy is at its lowest and it is also not as costly.
“I had no idea that washing your clothes at night could even make such a difference! I usually just watch my clothes during the day, but if it will help the Earth, I’ll wash them at night! I also never unplug anything from my outlets. No one every thinks about doing that!” said sophomore Nicole Moscillo.
Children can enjoy Earth Day as well. They can plant trees, make nature crafts at school or at home, learn more about the environment, ride their bikes, hold a garage sale or reuse household items, clean up litter, sing or listen to “Earth” songs, and maybe go to an Earth Day fair. Wearing green or brown helps too. Kids will learn to reduce, reuse, and recycle all day long.
“Children probably do the most to help the Earth on Earth Day than actual adults because they can do so many fun activities that they will find so enjoyable. Adults get lazy sometimes, but children always want to be involved and learn. Besides the fact that schools teach children to participate in Earth Day by making fun crafts and such, parents should do the exact same with their little ones at home,” said sophomore Rachel Fawzy.
On Earth Day, there are many things you can attend as well. You can check out to see if there are any local events, organize your own Earth Day event or service, pledge an act of green, sign a petition or even join an Earth Day campaign.