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How to Study Best for the Start of a New Year

Craig McPherson

By Craig McPherson

Two Students Studying Together. (Credit : 5 Ways to Strengthen Mental Health Muscles for Exam Season - Berry College)
Two Students Studying Together. (Credit : 5 Ways to Strengthen Mental Health Muscles for Exam Season - Berry College)

While the second marking period is about halfway over, the school year is still far from over. A very common struggle for many students, regardless of grade level or the time of year, would involve studying for exams. What methods should a student use to study? When should one begin, and where should they study? All these questions will soon be answered.

The most effective methods for a student to use when studying, would depend on the type of learner they are. The three main types of learners are visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners learn best with visual images, such as graphs or diagrams. Auditory learners do their best with information they can hear. Kinesthetic learners process information best through activities and experiences. 

Ways for a visual learner to study would include creating diagrams of written information, flash cards, or highlighting key information from notes or texts. Auditory learners can study best by reading notes aloud, or watching videos on sites such as YouTube. Kinesthetic learners could study through taboo-type games, such as charades. They can also visit locations that relate to the material they are trying to study, such as museums or libraries. Like auditory learners, reading notes aloud is also an effective way to study for kinesthetic learners.

Another struggle a student may have when studying for an exam, is knowing when to begin. An article by the Dietrich Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Studies from the University of Pittsburgh states the following regarding this topic, “In general, plan to start about 7-10 days in advance to make sure you maximize your study time. Remember, it is better to space your studying out over a period of days rather than clustering your studying just before the exam. Ten hours of studying over 5 days is better than 10 hours of studying over 2 days!” (Dietrich Arts & Sciences Undergraduate Studies). The article recommends that students, instead of studying at the last minute, should begin studying seven to ten days before an exam. 

The environment one chooses to study in is also important. An ideal study environment should be a place that is accessible. There also should not be any distractions, so one can focus on their work. On top of this, the space should be organized, so one can access anything in the area they need. Everything should be in order.

In conclusion, in order to study efficiently, one must understand their learning style, and related study techniques. Furthermore, they should also plan to study at least a week before an exam, instead of waiting until the last minute, and have an effective studying environment.



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