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Innovation for the Art Club

by JASON AQUINO Staff Writer

The Art Club, held every Wednesday in room H103, and its members are working on a large mural project for the main hallway. Mr. Mark Wetzel, the Art Club adviser, allows club members to create artwork that he says does not need to be “academic”. Freshman Caterina Waszkielewicz said, “I like that we are given a choice to do what we want, and we are not forced to do what we don’t want to do. We can draw things, we can paint things, and whatever idea for what we want for a project, we can do it as long, as long as it doesn’t cost too much money.” The meeting starts with Mr. Wetzel asking club members to gather at the tables, and discussing what type of project the members will work on,  independently or as a group. Once the club members have finished a decent portion of their assignment, they are free to work on their own projects, such as paintings, sketches, and murals. Freshman Sarah Bush creates paintings and murals for the Art Club, and chooses to make some for her friends. Bush said, “I made a one line drawing of Tatyana that I dig.” Mr. Wetzel is trying to make the Art Club more popular by giving larger projects to its club members. He wants to get more artwork out into the community in order give the artists more space to work in, including buildings owned by the Monroe Township Police Department. Mr. Wetzel said, “We have a lot of real talented kids here. There are a lot of kids who have talent that is not in the academic style. I’m trying to get that type of artwork out there.” The mural project was proposed by Principal Robert Goodall. Mr. Wetzel says that his club members will paint multiple murals in the main hallways of the school building. Anyone interested in helping the Art Club with the project, or interested in any form of art, must see Mr. Wetzel in room H103.


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