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‘Let the Road’ guide Rixton to the top of the charts

“Me and My Broken Heart,” the first single released by British band Rixton, was a major hit in the summer of 2014. The song’s catchy, fun, and upbeat vibes instantly caught the attention of pop-loving Americans.

After many months of waiting, Rixton’s first album, entitled “Let the Road,” has been released and it is time for us to give respect and attention to the well-deserving young men who make up this incredible band.

Rixton was formed in 2012 and is made up of four members: Jake Roche (who is in charge of lead vocals and rhythm guitar), Charley Bagnall (vocals and lead guitar), Danny Wilkin (vocals, bass, keyboard), and Lewi Morgan (vocals and drums). “Let the Road,” their first album, features 10 amazing songs:

1. ‘Let the Road’ is a slow song, focusing mainly on the band’s incredible vocals and the inspiring lyrics. My favorite lines are…well, basically every line in the song. Here are a few of my favorite lines: “But just when you’re ready to stop/ Think of how it feels at the top/ The sun disappears/ But you’re the light/ Even in the darkest night/ Because the stars were meant to shine.”

2. ‘Wait on Me’ has a fast tempo, with a great balance between vocals and instruments. It is a fun song to sing along with, and after listening to the song on repeat, you will find yourself thinking about the catchy three-worded line: “wait on me.” My favorite lines in this song are the catchy chorus (which I cannot seem to get out of my head).

3. ‘Appreciated’ is more of an adoring, love song. It has a slower-tempo than ‘Wait on Me,’ and when I first listened to this song, I had to close my eyes and let myself absorb the lyrics. “When you’re down be down/ When you’re out be out/ I will pull you up/ Cuz without a doubt/ If the tables turned around/ You’d lift me off the ground/ ‘cause it’s you who/ somehow is always the first/ to take care of me at my worst/ you are appreciated.” These lyrics are SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!

4. Speaking of beautiful, ‘Beautiful Excuses’ is made of beautiful lyrics, too. “What makes an angel fall in love/ What makes a good man turn and run/ And how do you know if she’s the one, yeah?” I will tell you right now, if Rixton is looking for a beautiful excuse to come back to New Jersey, I hope that I can be that beautiful excuse.

5. ‘Me and My Broken Heart’ has left a permanent mark in my brain. When I am an eighty-year-old woman, singing terribly to my grandkids, I will probably still remember this song. It is so catchy and relatable. We all want someone to love, and none of us want to feel alone. “All I need’s a little love in my life/ All I need’s a little love in the dark/ A little but I’m hoping it might kickstart/ Me and my broken heart…”

6. ‘Hotel Ceiling’ is the saddest song on the album. “Don’t you leave me lonely now/ I can see it comin’ round full circle my friend/ On the TV they said they had reported you dead.”

7. By the time you finish listening to ‘I Like Girls,’ you will know that the band likes girls. If you’re a girl who has a big booty, wears tight jeans, wants to lay around and watch TV, or has a skin color (any skin color), Rixton likes you. I bet you like Rixton, too.

8. ‘Speakerphone’ is not meant to be a fun song to sing along to (at least I do not think it is, considering it is about a drunk guy calling you, waiting for you to pick up the phone), but come on…some of the lyrics in this song are adorable. “Baby it’s me again I’m calling my only friend/ You do remember me don’t you/ You’re falling in love again /And I could try to pretend / That I don’t think about you” are my favorite lyrics in the song. I wish someone felt this way about me (just saying).

9. ‘We All Want the Same Thing’ kicks off with high notes, and when I say high notes, I mean HIGH notes. I don’t know how those notes are held for so long, but they are…and it is impressive. The best lyrics in this song are, “I’ve only got myself to blame/ You’ve got me trapped like love is just a game/ I run around, you reappear/ Wish you could tell me what I wanna hear.”

10. ‘Whole’ is the last song on the album. It is a slow song and it can be very relatable for audiences who want to be with someone, but realize that both people are two different people following different paths, but you still want to be together. Love is confusing.

If you love catchy music, and you love songs with great lyrics and talented singers, listen to “Let the Road” and check out Roche, Bagnall, Wilkin, and Morgan. Then, come back here and tell me what you think! Do you have this album on repeat too? What is your favorite song? (I think mine has to be ‘Let the Road’).


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