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MTHS holds its annual winter chorus concert

by AMY LASSITER Section Editor

Monroe Township High School held their annual winter chorus concert on December 18.

After months of practicing both in class and after school, students who are a part of the chorus program were able to showcase their talents.

The concert lasted from about 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm, and consisted of performances from both audition and non-audition groups, the largest being Mixed Chorus. While Mixed Chorus is its own course, members from every group sing in it at both the beginning and end of the concert.

Each group performs carefully selected songs, most of which featured holiday themes.

The second act of the show was the much anticipated Tonics and Harmonettes. These acapella groups usually consist of four singers – females in the Harmonettes and males in the Tonics – one for each voice part. These members come from MTHS’s Concert Choir, a group of the top-selected singers that audition at the end of each school year.

This year, the Harmonettes consisted of five singers and six for the Tonics, proving that the music department is full of talent.

The next group that performed was Men’s Choir, an after-school club that meets every Monday, consisting of any male students, regardless of their involvement in other chorus classes. An audience favorite, Men’s Choir never fails to impress with their doo-wop style selections.

The final performance of the first act was Show Choir, dancing for the third year since their formation in 2012. Show Choir, dressed in matching red costumes, performed two Christmas-themed songs in front of a winter scene.

“I think show choir has proven to be crowd pleaser. I think it offers something different from the traditional choir experience,” said junior Matthew Maiolo.

Following intermission, the Women’s Chorale performed. The second largest group in MTHS, Women’s Chorale is an audition-only group consisting of female students.

Directly after, Women’s Concert Choir finally performed their four selections.

The show concluded with three final songs – “O Holy Night”, “Carol of the Bells” and “Hallelujah Chorus”. Each year, alumni of MTHS, as well as other singers, are called up to sing the “Hallelujah Chorus” with the Mixed Chorus.

Choir directors Ms. Jennifer Alagna and Mr. Adam Good rotated as conductors throughout the show, as both work as teachers for the chorus classes. Along with accompanist Michael Bond, members of the hard working MTHS chorus successfully finished another winter concert.

“The choir concert, like always, was a learning experience. Being part of different choirs and being able to see all of the choirs singing what they’ve worked on was nice. I got to see what my peers can accomplish,” said junior Amy Williamson

Did you see the concert? What are your opinions on it?


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