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Never miss a day – Freshman gym class prepared for every class


Staff Writer

Physical Education teacher Ms. Eileen Kelley’s freshman 4A gym class of 2010-2011 celebrated their achievement of being prepared every class of the school year on June 15, 2011.

“We noticed first marking period that the first four weeks had gone by and no one was unprepared yet,” says Ms. Kelley. “I mentioned to the kids to keep it up, so we negotiated what was in it for them. Once I told them that I’d bake for them, they kept it going.”

At the end of each marking period, the class received baked goods from Ms. Kelley and, on the last full A-day of the school year, they celebrated with a party.

“I never thought of being prepared every day,” says freshman Krissy Lassiter. “I just was and I think it was the same for everyone else.”

The class squealed and cheered as Ms. Kelley told them what was on the menu for them. The menu of homemade baked goods included cinnamon rolls, cream puffs and “death by chocolate” cake served with a choice of water or milk.

“Ms. Kelley is a great cook,” says freshman Evan Kane.

Principal Robert Goodall, Athletics Director Damon Placenti, and the Health and Physical Education Coordinator Greg Beyer visited the class during the party. All three made speeches about how amazing it is that a class never had a student that was unprepared. When they asked what happened if someone forgot shoes or shorts, they were shocked when the class told them that they would borrow from a friend or the lost and found.

Mr. Goodall encouraged the class to continue their historic streak during the following school year. Freshman James Burbank says, “It’s not that hard to get changed each day, so it’s not that hard of a goal to set.”

This class made MTHS history their first year at the school. They have set the standard high for both themselves and the students in years to follow.

Who are they? Nicolette Alongi, Jareth Antona, James Burbank, Freddie Burton, Alexis Caccio, Joey Davino, Aaron Fawzy, Lucia Fernandez, Alexa Foxall, Justin Gaffrey, Hartej Gill, Vincent Grassi, Allison Harrigan, Zachary Higgins, Jerica Huang, Evan Kane, Krissy Lassiter, Sylvia Mei, Anchalee Pagsanjan, Megan Romanczuk, Taylor Smith, Shondelle Tillman, Alexis Todaro, Richie Toth, Kyle Volkman


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