by EDWARD PINTO Section editor
New Jersey Governor Chris Christie breezed past Democrat Barbra Buono to re-claim his Governor spot on Tuesday, November 5. Many news analysts nationwide expected a landslide of votes going toward Christie due to the fact that Buono was not as known as Christie, who is a strong candidate.
Winning the election is only the beginning for Christie, because he plans to aim higher and possibly run during the 2016 presidential election. According to various news sources, Christie will run for the presidential spot in the Republican party nomination. Christie uses smart marketing and advertising techniques to boost his votes to make independents turn into Republicans.
During and after Hurricane Sandy, he showed enormous amounts of leadership skills, which are looked for in Presidential candidates, and could also expand his approval ratings. This election particularly saw him gaining Democratic voters over toward his side. Clearly, the man is doing something right.
“I don’t pay attention to politics that much, but my parents are Republicans and I agree with their ways too so I guess you could say I support Chris Christie,” says sophomore Gus Lines.
Christie spent over $10 million dollars on television ads this year whereas Buono only spent a mere $2 million. Bigger funds plus bigger campaigning lead to a stronger candidate, which is exactly what happened in Christie’s case.
Christie was already pretty popular before and during Hurricane Sandy, but after is when his popularity sky rocketed. He managed the state, even in its darkest circumstances, and never gave up.
The only thing that let Buono have a chance in the election was the fact that she supported gay marriage and abortion rights. Christie, however, did not support any of those rights and had some complications down the road, but ultimately dropped his appeal when the Supreme court said they would allow it in New Jersey.
“I’m a big Republican supporter. I’ve done marathons with some of my friends and participate in out of school political activities. Of course I cheer on for Christie and I know he’ll do a good job up there in New Jersey,” says Chris Kim, an out-of-state supporter.
Many citizens of New Jersey consider him a regular guy when he goes out for meet and greets and makes speeches to the public, another great characteristic to have as a politician.
Do you think Christie should have been re-elected, and do you think he will win the 2016 Presidential election?