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Santa Clause is coming to town with guns

Instead of boughs of holly, America is decking the halls with guns.

Nevada assemblywoman Michelle Fiore chose to take a different approach with her 2015 holiday card this year, dressing her family in blue jeans, red tops, and a range of rifles to show support for the Second Amendment.

The card, first posted to Facebook but eventually going viral, shows her family, including her young grandson, smiling while holding their rifles.

The bottom of the card skips the ooey-gooey holiday feel and goes for  “It’s up to Americans to protect America. We’re just your ordinary American family – with love & liberty, Michelle.”

The card continues with its informative nature by listing the gun each family member is holding in the top left corner.

Fiore, a vocal gun rights advocate, posted the photo days after a gunman killed three people at Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado.

Fiore was unsurprisingly slammed by commenters who opposed her gun-happy agenda. One person wrote, “What an ignorant person (and family) you are now the joke of Facebook and should be incarcerate [sic] for child abuse.”

Fiore even sells a “Second-Amendment Calendar” on her website, which features photos of herself with guns and information about gun rights.

Fiore also posted a photo of herself alone, aiming a gun at the camera just a few days prior to the shooting in San Bernardino that killed 14 and injured 21 others.

She continued in her “gun-ho” holiday spirit by posting a blog on her website urging all Americans to take a shooting class.

“My strong message to you is it’s time Americans begin protecting America. Get armed, get trained, get your head out if [sic] the sand and be prepared,” Fiore wrote.

Fiore spoke to BBC showing her support for her “fabulous” firearms and how amazing firearms are for holiday gifts.

The gun-happy-holiday pattern continues as gun rights groups are hosting a mock mass shooting at the University of Texas to prove that guns on campus will promote safety.

Demonstrators will play out scenarios where they’re shot by attackers with cardboard weapons while the sounds of gunshots play via bullhorns.

Professors at the school were especially unhappy about the stunt, saying it was not only coming at a bad and stressful time with finals, but that it was overall just a bad idea.

“A mock shooting is the stupidest idea I have ever heard. With everything going on with school and shootings in general it can be especially triggering or traumatic for students. Why would you ever want to put someone in a situation like that, even if it is fake. In a way, the mock shooting can be patronizing or belittling the real school shootings that happen,” says an anonymous student.

Guns have been talked about more frequently as of recently due to the consistency of mass shootings over the past year alone.

The Senate recently voted against two modest gun control proposals that would have expanded background checks when buying a gun and prevented those who show up on terror watch lists having immediate access to guns.

In 2015 alone there have been 353 mass shootings in the United States. The frequency alone is enough to cause uproar from the public, asking what the government plans to do about it.

Government has been split on their decision as some believe we should arm our citizens with more guns while others demand stricter gun laws and a stricter process for obtaining guns.

“Something obviously has to change,” says an anonymous sophomore. “America cannot go on like this.”

President Obama has taken to media many times in order to create some sense of comfort among the scared Americans, but has essentially failed because he has not yet given a plan of action.

Because the Senate is composed mostly of Republicans and the President is a Democrat, it has been especially hard to come to a decision about controversial topics, gun laws included.

Hopefully, our government can come to a decision soon and find a way to protect Americans from future mass shootings.

What is your thought on gun laws?

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