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School store helps students pursue business careers

The Falcon Zone School Store, located in the commons area of Monroe Township High School, provides spirit wear for the student body and faculty while motivating students to pursue entrepreneurship.

The school store teaches students how to manage time, money, and customers if they are interested in going into business.

Mr. Ralph Zamrzycki says, “I teach the business class and the school store is a real work environment. The students apply what they learn in my classes to the store.”

The Falcon Zone School Store is open from 9:15AM – 10:15AM, 10:40AM – 11:50AM, and 12:40PM – 1:50PM Monday through Thursday.

The school store has an online website that is always available for the public to order spirit wear.

Sophomore Mahi Purohit says, “I took [Marketing and Computers in the Business World] because I wanted to see if I was interested in business. . . . I get to see first hand how to operate a store and deal with customers.”

The skills learned while working in the Falcon Zone School Store lay a foundation to help students add to their college applications and kickstart their business career.

Sophomore Neha Nirantar says, “The store is run efficiently and smoothly because we have a checklist that every student is required to fill out. We [also] have a balance sheet to track sales and purchases.”

Marketing, Entrepreneurship, and Computers in the Business World classes all run the store throughout the school day.

“My marketing class has a little bit more involvement in the store where they started doing promotions. My Entrepreneurship students come up with all the merchandise that is in the store. So they design and sell it,” Mr. Zamrzycki says.

Students gain work experience and will be able to apply what they learn in these classes to other jobs they may be involved in in the future.

“I learned about advertising, selling, and the technology involved in the business world. Also, I learned that marketing is used in a variety of fields,” Nirantar says.

Besides the career aspect and experience in the store, students within the school are given the chance to buy merchandise to raise school spirit.

The store sells a variety of merchandise, including sweatshirts, sweatpants, polo shirts, track shorts, dry-fit shirts, T-shirts, hats, blankets, umbrellas, mugs, water bottles, magnets, key chains, Falcon plushes, and office supplies.

New merchandise is added regularly, and students are even given the opportunity to design their own apparel.

The school store invests in expansion of merchandise, charity organizations, and student scholarships with their profits.

The school store is one of the many ways MTHS incorporates real world experiences into students’ educations.

“[Working in the store] will definitely help me figure out what I want to do, and whether I want to continue a business path or not,” Purohit says.

What could the school store do to increase sales among students?


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