by ALISON LEVIER Section Editor
The MTHS Spanish Honor Society will be holding a dance-a-thon on March 1 to help raise money for the Make-A-Wish Foundation.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation is an organization that helps children with life-threatening illnesses by granting their wishes. This dance-a-thon will be a great way to raise money to donate to the charitable group.
“I think a dance-a-thon is a great idea for a funraiser. It is a fun way to raise money for a charity, and at the same time it is fun for those involved. Plus, it gives students an excuse to get off of their computers and get up and dance! I love this idea and I think there should be more funraisers like this at our school,” says sophomore Hayley Miller.
In order to participate, students must raise at least $15 in donations. This includes spectators, as refreshments and a pizza party will be provided following the event.
The only rule of this event is that you must dance unless on break or spectating. There will be prizes that can be won, including gift cards and other fun treats.
In case you are unsure of how a dance-a-thon works, participants have to raise a certain amount of money (in this case, $15) in order to participate in the event. Participants dance until they give up or are considered out, and the more you dance, the more prizes you can win.
“This sounds like a really fun idea. I would love to participate in something like this!” says junior Gabrielle Tumminia.
Save the date and shine your dancing shoes for March 1!