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Smash hit!

by ALISON LEVIER Section Editor

NBC’s hit show “Smash” returned on February 5 for its second season, bringing in new characters and exciting new plot-lines.

Having ended the last season in a seemingly impossible spot to move forward from, it was a pleasant surprise that there were so many new twists and characters to develop and propel the show in the right direction. Honestly, I did not like the last season, and the only reason I wanted to watch this season was for the new actors added – Jeremy Jordan and Jennifer Hudson.

Okay, to say that adding these actors was a great decision is an understatement. These two unbelievably talented performers are probably the best thing that could have possibly happened to “Smash”, seeing as how season one lacked genuine, remarkable talent aside from the two leading ladies, Megan Hilty and Katherine McPhee.

Hudson, the “American Idol” diva, plays, you guessed it, a diva on the show. Her character is a Broadway celebrity, and Hudson simply shines. It is so great to see such an innate ability in an actress, such as what is seen in Hudson. She is simply gifted, as phenomenal an actress as she is a singer.

“Jennifer Hudson is fantastic. I want them to do a spin-off of just her,” says sophomore Kirsten Pasewaldt.

Jordan, a seasoned professional Broadway actor who has starred in Broadway musicals, such as “Newsies” and “Bonnie and Clyde”, plays a complicated composer who writes amazing music, but refuses to share it with the world for some unknown reason. Jordan’s character, it would seem, becomes an immediate love interest for McPhee’s character, which will be interesting to watch throughout the season.

Jordan had the biggest stand-out moment of the season premiere, getting to sing a song his character wrote called “Broadway, Here I Come!” AMAZING. One of the best songs written for a television show ever, and it is especially fantastic that an incredible singer such as Jordan got to bring it to life. Jordan is perfect for this show, and this show is perfect for Jordan.

While I absolutely adored this season opener, I will say there are a few things that, moving forward, I would like to see either pushed to the side or axed completely, starting with Debra Messing’s character who co-writes the scores to musicals with her partner, played by Christian Borle, who is lovely, but his character annoys me as well. Messing plays a recent divorcee who honestly needs to pull herself together. I am sick and tired of her whining all the time, and she needs to go. I vote her off the island, along with all her stupid irrelevant drama.

“Debra Messing is the worst part of that show. I hate her character, she is so annoying,” says junior Gabrielle Tumminia.

She slows the show down, and every time she comes on the screen, I just groan and roll my eyes. Although every show does need a really awful character, I just wish her plot line was given less time.

“Smash” season two has officially been set up to kick the first season to the curb, and I am excited to watch that happen.


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