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The next big thing by Google

by EMILY BEZERRA Staff Writer

Google’s latest project is entitled “Project Glass,” a research and development project. Their first creation is Google Glass, a wearable computer in the form of glasses.

Google revealed Project Glass in 2012 and originally planned for a consumer release of Google Glass in 2014. However, now Google Glass is expected to be available for purchase by the 2013 holiday season for about $1,500. Many developers looking to use Google Glass for creative use can go through an application process and pre-order the augmented-reality specs.

What makes Google Glass especially remarkable is that you will be able to connect with Androids and iPhones via Bluetooth from anywhere. The specs can pull data from connected Wifi or the 3G/4G to which your phone is connected.

Google Glass is still being developed by Google X Lab. The Google X Lab has worked on other futuristic technological inventions, such as driver-less cars.

Project Glass was lead by Babak Parviz, electrical engineer, who worked on putting displays into contact lenses. The project manager, Steve Lee, and geolocation specialist, Sebastion Thrun, developed Udactiy, a private educational organization.

Project Glass is just the beginning of what some might call a Google revolution. Google also plans to open retail stores in upcoming years where consumers can purchase items familiar to Google Glass.

“Google Glass is very futuristic and technological. It’s like what you would see in movies years back about the future,” says sophomore Jeffrey Gardener.

Wearing these funky looking glasses may feel uncomfortable and unfashionable for people at first, but it may be the beginning of technology-forward fashion.

“Google Glass glasses are so cool, but I would never be able to wear them because I’d feel like an idiot,” says sophomore Kirsten Pasedwaldt.


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