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Vogue ban too-young, too-skinny models


   According to the Conde Nast International Announcement, the 19 editors of Vogue Magazine made a pact to “project the image of healthy models” on May 3.  This is an increasingly smart idea, especially in the fashion industry, which is usually associated with eating disorders and underage girls, and has the potential to save lives and encourage young girls.    The editors agreed to not “knowingly work with models who appear to have an eating disorder.” They plan to have casting directors check IDs at photo shoots and ad campaigns.    This push away from extremely skinny and too-young models is evolutionary for the magazine. Vogue is notorious for hiring minors, and fashion itself is associated with an unhealthy body image. Putting an end to this may also stop some deaths due to eating-disorders, as well as depression in teenagers because they lacking confidence.    “Not hiring underage, underweight models seems like such an obvious solution to so many problems with teenagers and their self-image. I really wish someone had thought of that before, but I’m proud of Vogue for spreading the idea,” says sophomore Lauren Hinger.    Hopefully Vogue’s decision to only hire healthy models over the age of 16 will spread to other magazines and fashion companies. Having a major company such as Vogue promote the idea of a positive and healthy teenage girl will go a long way.    Conde Nast International Chairman Jonathan Newhouse said, “Vogue believes that good health is beautiful. Vogue editors have a commitment to the health of the models that appear on the pages and the well-being of their readers.”    The movement toward using healthy models will not only affect the fashion industry, but also the girls reading the magazines and buying the clothes. Seeing a fitter girl as something to aspire for, instead of a stick-thin model could lower eating-disorders such as bulimia and anorexia among high schoolers.    Sophomore Rianna Moonsammy said, “You see pictures of these tiny models on the television and in the pages of a magazine and you start to think that that’s what you should look like. What makes it dangerous is when kids actually start to do anything to look like the other girls they see everywhere.”    Vogue’s announcement to only hire healthy, positive models, along with new guidelines such as The Council of Fashion Designers of America’s initiative to hire models above a certain age and have healthy working conditions, could change the entire fashion industry for the better.    The outcry for healthier models throughout the industry was a relief for mothers, daughters, and teachers alike. Having a more obtainable look in magazines will help to project a better image to young girls and a safer environment in fashion.


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