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What to Know About Biden’s First 100 Days

Siera Qosaj

Updated: Mar 22, 2021

Throughout history, a president’s first 100 days has been one of the most important aspects of their time in office. The importance of this time frame started with President Roosevelt, who aided the country in a time of financial despair, and went on to become one of our most admired presidents. On the flip side, President Ford’s first 100 days took a turn for the worse when he pardoned President Nixon for his participation in Watergate, a decision that angered plenty of Americans. Many believe this is the reason, President Ford did not serve a second term in office. This information draws the question of, what does President Biden plan to do in his first 100 days?

Credit: The White House

Covid-19 and Vaccine Distribution As Covid continues to serve as a huge issue for the US, as well as the rest of the world, many Americans want to know what Biden plans to do when it comes to the pandemic. ​Biden has expressed his plan to increase Covid testing resources. He also plans to continue expanding the country's ability to make protective equipment via the Defense Production Act. President Biden also plans to invest $25 billion in vaccine production and distribution. The Biden administration has made it a priority to make the vaccine available to all Americans as soon as priority groups have been vaccinated. They also plan to

work closely with and aid local officials, in order to make sure areas in desperate need of the vaccine, are heard and helped accordingly.

The Economy and Taxes One area that has been hit particularly hard by Covid is the economy, which has caused stress for many Americans and businesses alike. The Biden administration has announced their plans to increase supplement checks from $300 to $400 in order to aid some of the financial burden caused by job loss due to Covid. On top of this, the administration intends to invest $15 billion in grants to small businesses that have struggled and lost customers as well as revenue. When it comes to taxes, President Biden has advocated for increasing the corporate income tax from 21% to 28%. It is important to note that Americans that make under $400,000 a year will not have their taxes increased by Biden’s proposed tax plan. Of course, many of these plans must be voted on by the Senate in order to be passed.

Racial Justice Racial inequity is believed by many to be one of the biggest issues in our country today, and many minorities are curious to see what President Biden does to address the issue. The Biden administration has expressed its intent to aid communities of color that are struggling disproportionately due to the pandemic. Federal funding towards community health centers and small businesses in minority neighborhoods is a step the administration plans to take to address this issue. A COVID-19 Racial and Ethnic Disparities Task Force has also been backed by both President Biden and Vice President Harris in the past. Overall, many people of color and minorities are relying on President Biden to address racial inequality and act accordingly.

The Future Americans have been faced with many challenges during 2020. With a global pandemic, economic crisis, and social justice issues all seemingly piled into one year, the new leader of this country is expected to address and overcome these issues. President Biden’s plans in his first 100 days will serve as a roadmap for the rest of his term, and many are hoping he shows promise.






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